This admin command will add or remove a player from the admin list. When adding a player to the admin list, you need to specify a permission level. A permission level is a number between 0 and 1000 that determines what permissions a player has - 1000 is the lowest (no permissions) and 0 is the highest (full admin permissions). By default, commands like admin, and shutdown require a permission level of 0 to use - and kick, and ban require a permission level of 1. Use the 'cp list' command to see what commands are assigned to each permission level.
The syntax for the admin command is as follows:
admin ['add' / 'remove' / 'list'] [steam id / player name / entity id] [permission level]
This command has the following arguments:
'add' / 'remove' / 'list' | Specify 'add' (without quotes) here if you wish to add a player to the admin list. Specify 'remove' (without quotes) here if you wish to remove a player from the admin list. Specify 'list' (without quotes) to view all players and permission levels on the admin list. |
Steam ID / Player Name / Entity ID | The steam ID, entity ID, or name of the player you wish to add or remove from the admin list. List entity IDs with the 'listplayerids' command. |
Permission Level | Only required if adding a player to the admin list - a number between 0 and 1000. 0 is the 'highest' permission level, meaning full access to all commands. 1000 is the lowest. Use the 'cp' command to change what commands different permission levels have access to. |
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That Sounds Perfect!Find below working examples of the admin command.
admin list
This command would list all admins (both those online and offline).
admin remove 76503193962430302
This command would make the player with Steam ID 76503193962430302 no longer an admin.
admin add 171
This console command would make the player with entity ID 171 an admin.
admin add 76503193962430302
This command would make the player with Steam ID 76503193962430302 an admin.
admin add 76503193962430302 1
This command would give the player with Steam ID 76503193962430302 admin, but a permission level of 1 (instead of 0, which is max/highest permission level).