Age of Mythology Cheats
Everything you need to know about AoM cheats, up-to-date for the latest version of the game on PC and Mac (Steam and non-Steam versions), including cheats from AoM: Titans and AoM: Extended Edition.

Everything you need to know about AoM cheats, up-to-date for the latest version of the game on PC and Mac (Steam and non-Steam versions), including cheats from AoM: Titans and AoM: Extended Edition.
on your keyboard to open the console.
Type a cheat into the console and hit ENTER
again to use it.
Below is a searchable list of all AoM cheat codes.
Cheats that are exclusive to The Titan DLC are labelled with the The Titans
badge, and those from the Extended Edition are labelled with the Extended Edition
badge. Most of these exclusive cheats are located at the bottom of the list.
Start to type a cheat code into the search box below to search for a specific cheat. Additionally, type the name of a DLC to filter all cheats from that DLC (e.g. "The Titans"), or a more specific term such as "gold" (to search for cheats that give you gold), "god power" (to search for god power cheats), etc.
This cheat code gives you 1,000 more wood.
This cheat gives you 1,000 food.
Erebus' ATM clearly has a lot of money in it, every time you use this cheat you gain an extra 1,000 gold.
This cheat gives you full favor for your civilization (works for Greeks, Egyptians, Norse, and all other civilization types).
This cheat reveals the entire map.
This cheat code will hide the map after using the "LAY OF THE LAND" cheat.
If you want to outright win, this cheat is for you - using this will win your current game.
This cheat ends your current scenario and moves you forward to the next one in your campaign.
Note that H4X0R is a zero (0), not an O letter. This cheat will enable instant building, so you won't have to wait for construction to complete.
Note that after "LETS GO!" there are two spaces, not just one. This cheat code speeds the game up.
This cheat code slows the game down.
This cheat skips the cooldown time on all God Powers that you have previously used, allowing you to use them again without waiting.
This cheat will give you a set of random God Powers each time you use it.
This cheat gives you the following God Powers: Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteo and Tornado.
GOATUNHEIM is an interesting cheat to say the least - it will give you the Goatunheim God Power, which is only obtainable by using cheats. The Goatunheim power, when used, turns all units on the map into goats.
This cheat will give you the Walking Berry Bushes God Power, a god power that can only be granted with cheats. This god power will turn berry bushes (max 10) into walking berry bushes that are hostile towards enemy buildings and units.
BAWK BAWK BOOM is a cheat code that grants you access to a God Power that is only accessible via cheats - the Chicken Storm. The Chicken Storm causes "explosive chickens" to fall from the sky onto the targeted area.
This cheat code spawns lots of monkeys at your Town Center, they will provide food when they die. Note that this is not a god power - the monkeys are spawned as soon as you use the cheat code.
This cheat spawns a flying purple hippo that leaves a trail of rainbow behind when it moves.
This cheat spawns the Forkboy unit, which is only spawnable with cheats. The Forkboy is an Infantry unit which will fight in battles.
This cheat spawns the Lazer Bear unit, which like the Forkboy unit, can only be spawned with cheat codes. The Lazer Bear unit will fight in battles, and is one of the most powerful units, having 1,120 hitpoints and attacking with lazer beams.
This cheat code gives you all of the heroes from the campaign (Fall of the Trident).
This cheat will instantly reveal all animals on the map.
Each time this cheat is used, your game will cycle through to the next lighting setting: sunset, night, morning and midday.
This cheat turns all of the game's water red (assumably as-if it were blood).
This cheat gives the Titan AI 1,000% handicap.
After using this cheat code, all of your herd animals will be instantly fattened.
This cheat code will give you a random selection of god powers. This differs from the PANDORAS BOX cheat as the "random selection" includes god powers exclusive to AoM: The Titans.
This cheat will randomly assign new ownership to all of the units on the map.
This cheat gives you an instant titan.
This cheat code will instantly deconstruct all buildings that are currently on the map.
This cheat gives you all of the heroes from AoM: The Titans' campagin (The New Atlantis).
This cheat code spawns a Bella unit at your town center, which is only obtainable via cheats. The Bella unit is a dog with 5,000 hitpoints, and very powerful.
This cheat gives you 100,000 of each resource, increases build and research speeds by 10,000%, gives you the maximum possible population cap, and allows you to cast an unlimited amount of god powers (no cooldown).