KotOR Cheats
The only complete, up-to-date database of cheat codes and console commands for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2.

The only complete, up-to-date database of cheat codes and console commands for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2.
Enable the console by following our guide at the bottom of this page. This only needs to be done once.
Press ~
or `
to open the console. In KoTOR 2, the console is invisible (pressing this key opens it, but you can't see it). If those keys didn't work, click here to view keys for other keyboard layouts.
Type in a command and hit ENTER
to run it!
Below is a searchable list of all KOTOR cheats and KOTOR 2 cheats, working for the latest version of the games on PC and Mac (Steam and non-Steam versions of the game). Unfortunately, as console commands are only available on desktop editions of the game, these cheat codes will not work on the XBOX or Android editions of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
The console in both editions of KOTOR can be enabled by adding the line EnableCheats=
1 to the swkotor.ini
(KOTOR I) or swkotor2.ini
(KOTOR II) file. If you are having trouble opening or enabling the console, view our comprehensive guide at the bottom of this page.
Click the "Table View" and "Card View" buttons to change how commands are displayed. Visit a command's info page to find more documentation and working examples by clicking on its name. Type the name of a command into the search box below to instantly search our complete database of 37 cheats from both KOTOR I and KOTOR II.
Command | Description | Syntax |
heal | This command refills all of your health and force points (to full). | heal |
giveitem | This command adds the item with the specified item ID to your inventory. See https://commands.gg/kotor/items for a list of all item codes. | giveitem < Item Code > |
warp | This command warps your character to the specified location. See command page for a list of all warp codes. | warp < Warp Code > |
setcomputeruse | This command sets your character's Computer Use skill to the specified level. | setcomputeruse < Level > |
setdemolitions | This command sets your character's Demolitions skill to the specified level. | setdemolitions < Level > |
setstealth | This command sets your character's Stealth skill to the specified level. | setstealth < Level > |
setawareness | This command sets your character's Awareness skill to the specified level. | setawareness < Level > |
setpersuade | This command sets your character's Persuasion skill to the specified level. | setpersuade < Level > |
setrepair | This command sets your character's Repair skill to the specified level. | setrepair < Level > |
setsecurity | This command sets your character's Security skill to the specified level. | setsecurity < Level > |
settreatinjury | This command sets your character's Treat Injury skill to the specified level. | settreatinjury < Level > |
setstrength | This command sets your character's Strength skill to the specified level. | setstrength < Level > |
setdexterity | This command sets your character's Dexterity skill to the specified level. | setdexterity < Level > |
setconstitution | This command sets your character's Constituion skill to the specified level. | setconstitution < Level > |
setintelligence | This command sets your character's Intelligence skill to the specified level. | setintelligence < Level > |
setwisdom | This command sets your character's Wisdom skill to the specified level. | setwisdom < Level > |
setcharisma | This command sets your character's Charisma skill to the specified level. | setcharisma < Level > |
addexp | This command adds the specified amount of experience to your character. Unlike the set commands, this command adds the amount you specify to your existing experience (addexp 10 would add 10 experience, not set your experience to 10). | addexp < Amount > |
addlightside | This command has two different functions. If you do not specify an amount of light side points to add, it will give you the maximum possible amount of light side points. If you specify an amount of light side points to add, it will add that amount to your existing amount of light side points. | addlightside < Amount > |
adddarkside | This command has two different functions. If you do not specify an amount of dark side points to add, it will give you the maximum possible amount of dark side points. If you specify an amount of dark side points to add, it will add that amount to your existing amount of dark side points. | adddarkside < Amount > |
revealmap | This command completely reveals the map of the area your are currently in (all hidden areas are shown/unlocked). | revealmap |
givecredits | This command gives you the specified amount of credits. | givecredits < Amount > |
givemed | This command gives your character 100 med kits. | givemed |
giverepair | This command gives your character 100 advanced repair kits. | giverepair |
givecomspikes | This command gives your character 100 computer spikes. | givecomspikes |
givesecspikes | This command gives your character 100 security spikes. | givesecspikes |
givesitharmour | This command gives your character 100 armor. | givesitharmour |
giveparts | This command will give your character 100 repair parts. | giveparts |
infiniteuses | This command will enable and disable (toggle) the infinite uses cheat. With the infinite uses cheat enabled, limited use items will not expire. | infiniteuses |
invulnerability | This command enables and disables (toggles) god mode for your character. In god mode, you are invincible and do not take any damage - as a result of this, you also cannot die when in god mode. | invulnerability |
bright | This command enables and disables (toggles) full brightness. With full brightness enabled, every location in the game has maximum brightness, so all dark areas will be light. | bright |
turbo | This command enables and disables (toggles) turbo mode. In turbo mode, characters move at 3x their usual speed - things will seem as if they have been fast-forwarded. | turbo |
addlevel | This command adds the "needed" amount of experience to your current experience level (i.e. leveling you up). | addlevel |
restartminigame | This command restarts your current minigame, provided you are in one when you run the command. | restartminigame |
whereami | This command works in both versions of the game, but as there is no visible console in KOTOR 2, it only has a use in KOTOR 1. It will print your current coordinates to the console. | whereami |
dancedancemalak | You need to run this command just before you enter KOTOR 1's final battle for it to have an effect. It will turn Malak into a dancing Twi'Lek at the final battle - an.. alternate ending for sure. | dancedancemalak |
dance_dance_revan | Just like the dancedancemalak command in KOTOR 1, this command should be ran just before the final battle in KOTOR 2. It will turn Revan into a dancing Twi'lek. | dance_dance_revan |
Almost 15 years ago, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the game many of us hold close to our hearts, was launched. The sequel to KOTOR, KOTOR II: The Sith Lords launched two years later in 2005. Both of these games, unsurprisingly, remain popular today, over a decade later.
Many believe that one of the reasons for their insane success is the ability to use cheat codes (console commands), these spice up gameplay and allow players to play the game the way they want it to be played. This article will show you how to enable the console in both versions of the game, how to open it, and how to use it (with an example). Use the links below to jump to a specific part, if you don't need to know everything:
Unfortunately, there's no in-game option to enable the console in KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2, but it can be enabled pretty easily by adding a line to a configuration file. In both versions of the game, the process to enable cheats is almost identical.
First, make sure KOTOR is closed before continuing. If you're using Steam on PC or Mac, go to your library, right click "STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™" (or for KOTOR II, the equivalent), click "Properties", then click the "LOCAL FILES" tab at the top of the newly opened window, and finally, press the "BROWSE LOCAL FILES..." button to open your game files. The process is pictured below:
If you're not using Steam, navigate to the folder that you installed KOTOR or KOTOR 2 within. For KOTOR 1, this is usually in the "LucasArts" folder that can be found somewhere in "Program Files" on Windows. For Mac (via Finder), the location is usually "Library > Application Support > Knights of the Old Republic".
After opening the game files, if you're using KOTOR 1, you want to open the file "swkotor.ini" with Notepad or any other text editor. If you're using KOTOR 2, the file you want to open with Notepad or another text editor is "swkotor2.ini". These files are located in the main game folder (i.e. the one that opens when you click browse local files from Steam). If the file isn't opening with Notepad when you double click it on Windows, right click the file, click "Open With", and select Notepad from the list of applications.
Once you've got the swkotor.ini or swkotor2.ini file opened, scroll to the "[Game Options]" line (usually about 40 lines from the top). Add a new line below "[Game Options]" and add the following text:
After adding that line, that part of the file should look something like this:
Save the file, close it.. and you're done! You can now open up KOTOR or KOTOR II and use the console. Note that in KOTOR 2, the console is invisible (it still works, you just can't see it). Read below for help opening and using the console.
Thankfully, once you've got the console enabled, opening the console is a fairly swift process. As mentioned earlier in this tutorial, the console in KOTOR 2 is invisible - when you press the hotkey to open the console, it does open, you just can't see it! So to use the console in KOTOR 2, you'd hit the console hot key, type a command, hit enter, and it will run, but you won't see any console window like you would in KOTOR 1. You can check to see if your console is opened by pressing the hotkey, and then trying to move forward by pressing W - if the console is open, you won't move (because W would be typed into the console).
Simply press one of the following hotkeys (varies based on your keyboard layout):
- tilde, US keyboards `
- grave, UK keyboards §
With all the complicated stuff like enabling the console out of the way, you're ready to actually use cheat codes with the console! Cheat codes are typed into the console using your keyboard, and sent by pressing the ENTER key (also known as return). If you're on KOTOR 2, you'll not be able to see what you're typing (because the console is invisible), but commands are still typed with the keyboard and sent with the ENTER key (after pressing your console hotkey).
As an example, we'll show you how to use the giveitem command to give yourself an item - the Double-Bladed Lightsaber in this case. The Double-Bladed Lightsaber has the item code g1_w_dblsbr001 (you can find all item codes here). To give ourselves this item, we'd type giveitem, followed by a space, followed by the item code, and then hit ENTER, like so:
It's really that simple!
Now you've got to know the basics of cheat codes and the console, check out our cheats list for an entire list of all cheats from KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2.