KOTOR and KOTOR II Adddarkside Command

This command has two different functions. If you do not specify an amount of dark side points to add, it will give you the maximum possible amount of dark side points. If you specify an amount of dark side points to add, it will add that amount to your existing amount of dark side points.

Adddarkside Syntax

The syntax for the adddarkside command is as follows:

adddarkside [amount]

This command has the following arguments:

AmountThe amount of dark side points to give to yourself. Don't specify an amount to give yourself maximum dark side points.

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Adddarkside Examples

Find below working examples of the adddarkside command.


The above console command would set your dark side points to the highest they can possibly be.

adddarkside 2

This cheat would give you 2 dark side points.