The Forest Cheats
Everything you need to know about The Forest cheats and console commands.
Go to Options
> Gameplay
> Set Allow Cheats
to ON
In the Main Menu - not the pause screen - type developermodeon
. Nothing will appear on the screen, but this will enable the console.
Press F1
on your keyboard to open the console. Type a command from the list below into the console and press ENTER
to run it.
Below is a searchable list of all 109 console commands from The Forest, these are commonly referred to as developer commands. All cheat codes in this table are from the latest version of the game on Steam (PC / Mac).
This command will add the item with the specified item ID to your character's inventory. See item IDs at:
This command will spawn the specified animal in front of your character. Animals are: rabbit, deer, lizard, turtle, turtoise, raccoon, squirrel, boat, and crocodile.
This command will teleport your character to the specified location, or the specified coordinates.
This command will place a built version of the object with the specified ID in front of your character. See object IDs at:
This command enables and disables Builder Mode. When Builder Mode is turned on, survival (health, etc), enemies are disabled, and build hack (Creative Mode) is enabled. Builder Mode is off by default.
This command enables and disables Cave Light Mode. When Cave Light Mode is enabled, caves are no longer dark and have full brightness (it is like daytime inside). Cave Light Mode is disabled by default (caves are dark).
With this command turned on, the plane crash cutscene that plays when you start a game is automatically skipped. By default, this command is off.
This command enables and disables God Mode. With God Mode turned on, your character cannot take damage, and has the following stats: Unlimited Hydration, Unlimited Fullness, Unlimited Health, Unlimited Energy, Unlimited Stamina, Unlimited Armor, Unlimited Cold Armor and Unlimited Stealth. You are unable to die when in God Mode. God Mode is turned off by default.
This command enables and disables Build Hack. Build Hack provides you with unlimited resources and instant building. By default, Build Hack is turned off.
This command removes every blueprint that has been placed in the game. Blueprints are commonly referred to as ghosts - they are the outlines of buildings that appear which you add resources to.
This command builds every blueprint that has been placed in the game. Blueprints are commonly referred to as ghosts, as they are transparent outlines of buildings. No resources/materials are required to complete the blueprints.
This command adds one of each non-story item in the game to your inventory.
This command adds ones of each story item in the game to your inventory.
This command enables and disables Item Hack. When Item Hack is enabled, your items will not be used up/run out and be essentially infinite. For example, if you consume food, it will not be removed, if you place some resources, they will be placed but the amount you have will remain the same, etc. Item Hack is disabled by default.
With survival turned off, the Fullness (hunger) and Hydration stats do not affect your character (your character instead always has 100% of both). This means your character does not need to eat or drink. Survival is turned on by default.
This command saves your game.
This command enables and disables "Speedy Run Mode". Speedy Run Mode makes your character run at a very fast speed. This is turned off by default.
With this command turned on, your character is not affected by water and camera effects (blood, mud, paint, etc). Instead, you can walk through water like it is air. By default, this command is turned off.
This command will instantly kill all cannibals and mutants that are alive in the game (does not stop them from respawning, use 'enemies off' to do that).
This command enables and disables the spawning of enemies in the game (Cannibals and Mutants). All Cannibals and Mutants alive when you turn this on will be killed.
This command enables and disables the rendering of terrain (the ground, hills, mountains, etc). By default, terrain rendering is turned on. With this setting turned off, you won't be able to see the floor/landscape (but you will still be able to walk on it).
This command can be used to override the time of day that the lighting in the game is set to (it doesn't actually change the time of day). You can set this to morning, noon, sunset, and night. If you were to set 'night' during the day, the world would look as if it were nighttime (even if the time wasn't) until you turn this setting off.
This command can be used to change the weather to the specified weather type (light, medium, heavy, cloud, or sunny). The weather you set is not permanent - it will change naturally at the next time the game would usually change the weather.
This command will cut down trees in the forest. You can specify either an amount, or a percentage, of trees that you wish to cut down.
This command will cut grass in the specified radius around your player.
This command, if turned on, will show debug information about the computer you are currently using to play The Forest.
This command can be used to turn on and turn off the culling grid.
This command prints a list of all commands in the game to the console (press F2 to view console).
This command clears the console (deletes all the messages it is currently displaying).
This command prints to the console log (F2) statistics about your current game (the save you're playing) including kills, deaths, and the amount of buildings built.
This command sets the level of logging for your achievement log. By default, this is set to off. See argument information for log levels.
This command enables and disables active state labels. Active state labels show the current state of NPCs (animals, enemies, characters) as an overlay above their head (e.g. if they are sleeping). By default, this setting is turned off.
This command changes the difficulty of your game to the specified difficulty mode. See argument information for difficulty modes.
This command changes the gamemode of your current game. Gamemodes are stanard, creative and mod.
This command enables and disables Vegan Mode. When Vegan Mode is turned on, cannibals and mutants only spawn in caves. Vegan Mode is off by default.
This is a Main Menu command - it should be typed when in the game's main menu (similar to 'developermodeon'), not into the developer console. Typing this into the main menu will enable Iron Forest mode, which makes buildings indestructible. Type ironforest into the main menu again to disable this mode.
This is a Main Menu command - it should be typed when in the game's main menu (similar to 'developermodeon'), not into the developer console. Typing this into the main menu will enable Meat Mode, which disables all cheats. Type meatmode into the main menu again to disable this mode.
This is a Main Menu command - it should be typed when in the game's main menu (similar to 'developermodeon'), not into the developer console. Typing this into the main menu will enable Raw Meat Mode, which makes it so that when you die your save is permanently deleted (so one death ends on your game). Type rawmeatmode into the main menu again to disable this mode.
This is a Main Menu command - it should be typed when in the game's main menu (similar to 'developermodeon'), not into the developer console. Typing this into the main menu will enable Regrow Mode, which makes it so that when your character sleeps, 10% of all cut down trees regrow fully. Type regrowmode into the main menu again to disable this mode.
This is a Main Menu command - it should be typed when in the game's main menu (similar to 'developermodeon'), not into the developer console. Typing this into the main menu will enable Vegetarian Mode, which makes it so that enemies only spawn at nighttime. Type vegetarianmode into the main menu again to disable this mode.
This is a Main Menu command - it should be typed when in the game's main menu (similar to 'developermodeon'), not into the developer console. Typing this into the main menu will reset all holes that have been made by the hole cutter or crane.
This command prints to the console log (F2) the current day number (e.g. 2).
This command skips the date/time one day forward.
This command sets the day in the game to the specified day number (e.g. 33).
This command sets the scale (speed) that the game processes at. Numbers above 1 will make the game seem like it's in fast forward, numbers below 1 will make the game seem like it's in slow motion. The number you add after is a multiplier: 0.5 would half the normal speed, 1 would be normal speed, 2 would be two times as fast.
This command changes the scale of time (speed) for factors like day/night, your stats (hunger, etc) and the day number it is. Numbers above 1 will make time faster, numbers below 1 will make time slower. This does not change the speed that your character and NPCs process at, so you will still move at normal speed and NPCs will still act normal. Set to 1 for normal gametimescale.
This command plants seeds in all gardens currently in the game. The amount of gardens that there are will also be printed to the console log after runnning this command.
This command refills all dirt piles in the game (also known as mud). These can be used for camouflage from enemies.
This command enables and disables unlimited hairspray. When unlimited hairspray is turned on, you will have unlimited hairspray fuel. By default, this command is set to off.
This command enables and disables Energy Hack. With Energy Hack on, you have unlimited energy and stamina. By default, this setting is off.
This command sets your player's health to 0, killing you. Running this command in multiplayer will knock you down, requiring a teammate to revive you (or use the 'revivelocalplayer' command).
This command kills your player permanently. If in single player (or you are the last person alive on multiplayer), this will end the game. If in multiplayer, you will die and cannot be revived.
This command only works in multiplayer. This command will revive you if you are knocked down (in the same way that a teammate would).
This command makes your character receive a fake hit, causing you to flinch. It does not deal any damage.
This command can be used to remove or add a jacket to your player.
This command makes the piece of meat that is next to decay, decay. If it's a fresh piece of meat, it will become edible, if edible, it will become spoiled.
This command gives your character poison (as if you were hit by a poison weapon), requiring the infection it causes to be healed with aloe.
This command deals the specified amount of damage to your character. Note that if you deal damage higher than your health, you will die.
This command sets the specified stat to the specified number. Stats are: Health, Stamina, Energy, Fullness and BatteryCharge.
This command sets the specified skill to the specified number. Skills are: runTime, lungTime and ath.
This command enables and disables 'verbose' information for stew combos (recipes). When enabled, information about successful stew recipes will be printed to the console log. By default, this command is turned off.
This command adds the clothing with the specified ID to your character. See IDs at
This command kills all animals in the map.
This command kills the animal that is closest to your character.
This command enables and disables animals. Disabling animals will remove all that are in the map, and stop them from respawning.
This command enables and disables birds. By default, birds are enabled.
This command will spawn the item with the specified item ID in front of your character. See item IDs at:
This command will remove the item with the specified item ID from your character's inventory. See item IDs at:
This command spawns a trapped animal in the closest animal trap (provided a trap is within a reasonable distance from your character).
This command resets the game's enemy AI. This will also kill all cannibals and mutants.
This command knocks down the closest enemy to your character (likely only works on cannibals).
This command kills the cannibal or mutant that is closest to your character.
This command kills the game's End Boss.
This command enables and disables path finding for cannibals and mutants. Path finding allows enemies to walk around obstacles to reach their destination (usually you!). Without path finding, they will walk in a straight line towards their target (into walls, through water, etc). Path finding is enabled by default.
This command spawns between 3 and 6 regular cannibals close to your character.
This command spawns between 3 and 6 painted cannibals close to your character.
This command spawns between 3 and 6 masked cannibals close to your character.
This command spawns between 2 and 3 skinny cannibals close to your character.
This command spawns the mutant with the specified name in front of your character. Mutant names are: maleskinny, femaleskinny, skinnypale, male, female, fireman, pale, armsy, vags, baby, and fat.
This command respawns all items that naturally spawn in the map (at set locations) and have already been picked up.
This command turns on and off the Log Hack. When the Log Hack is turned on, you have infinite logs. This means placing a log, or using a log, will not decrease the amount of logs that you have (you need at least one log for this to work obviously). This is turned off by default.
This command can be used to enable and disable rigid body rotation. When rigid body rotation is enabled, camera movements are not smoothed, and will seem stuttery. This is turned off by default.
This command toggles V-Sync on and off. V-Sync syncs the framerate of your game to your monitor's framerate.
This command calls the garbage collector - the garbage collector attempts to free up unused memory (RAM). This command may increase performance by decreasing the amount of RAM the game is using.
This command toggles LOD manager FPS scaling, this may improve your FPS.
This command toggles occlusion culling. Occlusion culling stops models from being rendered when they aren't within your view (e.g. trees behind your camera won't be rendered).
This command enables and disables Sheen Billboards.
This command clears the audio path filter.
This is a Steam debug command. It will print to the console log information about your lobby (multiplayer).
This command enables and disables 30 FPS physics. Usually (with this setting off), physics are processed at 60 FPS - with this command on, physics are processed are 30 FPS, which could improve performance.
This command loads the specified save number (e.g. 2).
This command places every single blueprint that there is in the game in front of your character. Trees in the way of the blueprints will be removed.
This command changes your character's skin color.
This command sets the material of your character's shirt to the specified material ID.
This is a debug command used by the developers - it isn't recommended that you use it in game - it makes you game use more memory (to test for memory-related issues).
This command enables and disables the player net animator (makes the player's net animated).
This command shows the coordinates (X and Y) for the specified object.
This command hides the coordinates (X and Y) for the specified object.
This command finds the passenger with the specified ID. See argument information for passenger IDs.
This command teleports your character to the object with the specified tag.
This command teleports your character to a random cannibal or mutant.
This command toggles the display of player stats shown in the right hand side of the screen (same as pressing F3).
This command toggles the display of the debug information overlay shown at the top of the screen (same as pressing F2).
This command sets the draw distance (render distance) to the specified setting. See argument information for settings.
This command sets the shadow level (quality of game shadows) to the specified setting. See argument information for settings.
This command clears the specified single player or multi player save slot. Note that this is undoable - make sure you're deleting the correct save!
This command resets all your game settings to the default settings - this includes graphics settings, controls, key bindings and all other settings. Restart your game for changes to take effect.
This command resets all of your account's statistics and achievement data, allowing you to unlock everything again. Note that this is undoable - if you reset your stats, they're gone forever!