The Forest Terrainrender Command

This command enables and disables the rendering of terrain (the ground, hills, mountains, etc). By default, terrain rendering is turned on. With this setting turned off, you won't be able to see the floor/landscape (but you will still be able to walk on it).

Terrainrender Syntax

The syntax for the terrainrender command is as follows:

terrainrender [on / off]

This command has the following arguments:

On / OffSpecify 'on' here (without quotes) to turn on terrain rendering (default). Specify 'off' here (without quotes) to turn off terrain rendering.

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Terrainrender Examples

Find below working examples of the terrainrender command.

terrainrender off

The above console command would disable the rendering of terrain.

terrainrender on

This command enables the rendering of terrain. If you haven't previously disabled the rendering of terrain, this command will have no effect.