Age of Empires II Cheats
An all-in-one resource for everything related to Age of Empires 2 cheats for PC and Mac, including those from Age of Empires 2 HD and the latest expansions (The Forgotten, The Conquerors and African Kingdoms).

An all-in-one resource for everything related to Age of Empires 2 cheats for PC and Mac, including those from Age of Empires 2 HD and the latest expansions (The Forgotten, The Conquerors and African Kingdoms).
on your keyboard to open the cheat console.
Enter a cheat code into the box and hit ENTER
again to run it.
Below you can find a searchable list of all 23 cheat codes from Age of Empires 2.
Some cheat codes in this list are exclusive to the HD Edition of AOE 2, these are indicated with the HD Edition
badge. Additionally, cheats that are exclusive to "The Forgotten" expansion are labelled with The Forgotten
, those exclusive to "The Conquerors" are labelled with The Conquerors
This cheat code spawns a "Cobra Car" at your Town Center. The Cobra Car is a powerful unit that can only be obtained via cheats. It has 500 HP, rapidly firing explosive ammo, but have a tendency for friendly fire.
This cheat spawns the "Saboteur" unit at your Town Center. The Saboteur is only available via this cheat code, and has the same looks as the Petard unit. Whilst it still has the Petard unit's explosive and self-destructive tendencies, it is more powerful, and has a blast radius 5x the size of Petard's.
NOTE: The effect of this cheat code can't be reversed, save your game before using it if you wish to switch back. This cheat will put you in control of the "Nature Civilization", which all animals, etc belong to - allowing you to control animals and other parts of nature. As this switches your civilization to nature, you are unable to switch back to your original civilization.
This cheat code spawns a "Villager Male Dave Lewis", or VMDL for short, unit at your Town Center. The VMDL unit is only obtainable via cheats, and moves extremely fast. VMDLs have no armor or attack bonus - their insanely fast movement speed makes them good for exploring, but not so much anything else.
This cheat spawns the cheat unit (only obtainable via cheats) "Furious the Money Boy". Furious the Monkey Boy is a powerful unit that looks like a monkey, having 99 armor (both melee and pierce) and a 999 attack bonus against Standard Buildings, making it great for destroying settlements.
This cheat spawns the "Penguin" unit. Unsurprisingly, the Penguin unit is only obtainable via this cheat code, and is a powerful unit that looks like a.. you guessed it: penguin.
This cheat code spawns the "Alfred the Alpaca" unit. Like the other units spawned by cheat codes, this can only be obtained via cheats and isn't available without them. Alfred the Alpaca is a very strong unit that headbutts enemies - it also has 100 attack bonus for Standard Buildings, and Stone Defenses.
This cheat code gives you 1,000 more of the food resource. In AOE 2 HD Edition, it provides 10x more (10,000 food).
This cheat code gives you 1,000 more of the wood resource. In AOE 2 HD Edition, it provides 10x more (10,000 wood).
This cheat code gives you 1,000 more of the gold resource. In AOE 2 HD Edition, it provides 10x more (10,000 gold).
This cheat code gives you 1,000 more of the stone resource. In AOE 2 HD Edition, it provides 10x more (10,000 stone).
This cheat will show the entire map (all black areas will become visible/discovered). Using it again will toggle its effects off, returning your map back to the way it was before.
This cheat will disable Fog of War (FoW). Typing it again will re-enable Fog of War.
When you have this cheat enabled, building, gathering, training, and researching is instant. This is a toggle cheat - typing it once will turn it on, typing it again will turn it off. Two important notes: units that are involved in constructing a building when you enable this cheat will die, and this cheat also affects the AI/other players (and they generally are better at utilizing this than a puny human like you, so it's best to use this for a short period of time).
This cheat makes you instantly win your current game.
This cheat makes you instantly lose your current game.
This cheat code kills everyone, you and your allies included.
This cheat makes you commit suicide, causing you to lose the game.
This cheat will kill/eliminate a specified opponent. Replace # with the numer of the player/AI you wish to eliminate. TORPEDO2 would kill the player with starting position 2.
This cheat replaces all birds with the "Stormy Dog" unit. The Stormy Dog unit is almost the exact same as regular birds, with one subtle difference - it's a flying dog!
This cheat disables taunts.
This cheat enables taunts.
This cheat gives you 100,000 of the following resources: food, wood, stone, and gold.