The Forest Timescale Command

This command sets the scale (speed) that the game processes at. Numbers above 1 will make the game seem like it's in fast forward, numbers below 1 will make the game seem like it's in slow motion. The number you add after is a multiplier: 0.5 would half the normal speed, 1 would be normal speed, 2 would be two times as fast.

Timescale Syntax

The syntax for the timescale command is as follows:

timescale [multiplier]

This command has the following arguments:

MultiplierThe number to multiply the timescale by. 1 would make time pass at usual speed, 2 would make time pass at 2x the speed, etc.

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Timescale Examples

Find below working examples of the timescale command.

timescale 0.1

This command would multiply the speed time passes at by 0.1, making time pass by at 10% of the speed it normally does.

timescale 2

This command would multiply the speed time passes at by 2, which would make the game be two times as fast (as if in fast forward).

timescale 1

The above console command sets the game's timescale to its default, making time go by at a normal speed.