The Forest Setshadowlevel Command

This command sets the shadow level (quality of game shadows) to the specified setting. See argument information for settings.

Setshadowlevel Syntax

The syntax for the setshadowlevel command is as follows:

setshadowlevel [setting #]

This command has the following arguments:

Setting #Your desired shadow level. Settings are:
  • 0 - Lowest
  • 1 - Ultra Low
  • 2 - Low
  • 3 - Medium
  • 4 - High

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Setshadowlevel Examples

Find below working examples of the setshadowlevel command.

setshadowlevel 0

This command would set your shadow graphics setting to the lowest possible quality (highest FPS).

setshadowlevel 4

This command sets your shadow graphics setting to high, which is the highest possible quality.