The Forest Cutdowntrees Command

This command will cut down trees in the forest. You can specify either an amount, or a percentage, of trees that you wish to cut down.

Cutdowntrees Syntax

The syntax for the cutdowntrees command is as follows:

cutdowntrees [amount / %]

This command has the following arguments:

Amount / %If you wish to cut down a set amount of trees (e.g. 10), specify a number here. If you wish to cut down a percentage of ALL trees in the map, specify a percentage here (e.g. 50%).

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Cutdowntrees Examples

Find below working examples of the cutdowntrees command.

cutdowntrees 15

This command would cut down 15 trees in the map.

cutdowntrees 50%

This command would cut down half (50%) of all trees in the map.

cutdowntrees 100%

This command would cut down ALL trees in the map.