The Forest Physics30fps Command

This command enables and disables 30 FPS physics. Usually (with this setting off), physics are processed at 60 FPS - with this command on, physics are processed are 30 FPS, which could improve performance.

Physics30fps Syntax

The syntax for the physics30fps command is as follows:

physics30fps [on / off]

This command has the following arguments:

On / OffSpecify 'on' here (without quotes) to turn on 30 FPS physics. Specify 'off' here (without quotes) to turn 30 FPS physics off (60 FPS physics, default).

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Physics30fps Examples

Find below working examples of the physics30fps command.

physics30fps on

This command turns 30 FPS physics on.

physics30fps off

This command turns 30 FPS physics off (re-enables 60 FPS physics).