The Forest Spawnanimal Command

This command will spawn the specified animal in front of your character. Animals are: rabbit, deer, lizard, turtle, turtoise, raccoon, squirrel, boat, and crocodile.

Spawnanimal Syntax

The syntax for the spawnanimal command is as follows:

spawnanimal [animal name]

This command has the following arguments:

Animal NameThe name of the animal you wish to spawn. Animal names/animal IDs are:
  • rabbit
  • deer
  • lizard
  • turtle
  • turtoise
  • raccoon
  • squirrel
  • boat
  • crocodile

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Spawnanimal Examples

Find below working examples of the spawnanimal command.

spawnanimal rabbit

This command spawns a rabbit in front of your character.

spawnanimal deer

This command spawns a deer in front of your character.

spawnanimal lizard

This command spawns a lizard in front of your character.

spawnanimal turtle

This command spawns a turtle in front of your character.

spawnanimal turtoise

This command spawns a turtoise in front of your character.

spawnanimal raccoon

This command spawns a raccoon in front of your character.

spawnanimal squirrel

This command spawns a squirrel in front of your character.

spawnanimal boat

This command spawns a boat in front of your character.

spawnanimal crocodile

This command spawns a crocodile in front of your character.