This command sets the specified skill to the specified number. Skills are: runTime, lungTime and ath.
The syntax for the setSkill command is as follows:
setskill [skill name] [value]
This command has the following arguments:
Skill Name | The name of the skill you wish to change the value of. Skills are:
Value | A number between 0 and 100, the value to set the skill to. |
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I'd Be HonoredFind below working examples of the setSkill command.
setSkill runTime 100
This command gives you max runTime, which allows you to spend the longest time possible running/sprinting.
setSkill lungTime 100
This command gives you the maximum lungTime, allowing you to spend the longest time possible underwater.
setSkill ath 99
This command gives you 99 athleticism, which is the maximum possible.