This admin command will kick the player with the specified name, Steam ID, or entity ID from the server with an optional kick message. Note that kicking isn't the same as banning - this will disconnect the player from the server, but they will be able to reconnect.
The syntax for the kick command is as follows:
kick [steam id / player name / entity id] ["kick message"]
This command has the following arguments:
Steam ID / Player Name / Entity ID | The steam ID, entity ID, or name of the player you wish to kick from your 7DTD server. List entity IDs with the 'listplayerids' command. |
"Kick Message" | Optional. A message (e.g. a reason like 'spamming chat') to show to the player when they are kicked. You need to put your message between quotation marks (") if you want to send more than one word. |
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That Sounds Perfect!Find below working examples of the kick command.
kick 76503193962430302
This command would kick the player with Steam ID 76503193962430302 from the server.
kick 171
This console command would kick the player with entity ID 171 from the server.
kick 171 Spamming
This command would kick the player with entity ID 171 and show them the reason/message which is "Spamming".