7 Days to Die Loggamestate Command

This command will log client (true) or server (false) information about the game to the 7DaysToDie_Data\output_log.txt file with the specified header.

Loggamestate Syntax

The syntax for the loggamestate command is as follows:

loggamestate [header] [true / false]

This command has the following arguments:

HeaderThe message to put at the top of the entry in the log file (so that you can find the output, as there are lots of other lines of text in the log file).
true / falseSpecify true to log client game state information, specify false for server.

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Loggamestate Examples

Find below working examples of the loggamestate command.

loggamestate ExampleHeader true

This command would log information about the client to output_log.txt with the header "ExampleHeader".

loggamestate ExampleHeader false

This command would log information about the server to output_log.txt with the header "ExampleHeader".