This console command sets the time in the game. You can use this to set the time to: night, day, or to a specific day/time (e.g. day 3, 14:43).
The syntax for the settime command is as follows:
settime ['day' / 'night'] [0-24000] [d hh mm]
This command has the following arguments:
'day' / 'night' | Specify 'day' (without quotes) here to set the time to day. Specify 'night' (without quotes) here to set the time to night. |
0-24000 | To set the time to a specific hour in your current day, specify a number between 0 and 24000. The command 'settime 14500' would set the time to 2:30PM. |
d hh mm | To set the time to a specific day, hour, and minute, use the format d hh mm where d is the day, hh is the hour (e.g. 13) and m is the minutes (e.g. 25). The command 'settime 2 13 25' would make it the 2nd day at 1:25PM. |
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I'd Be HonoredFind below working examples of the settime command.
settime day
The above console command sets the time to day.
settime night
This command sets the time to night.
settime 11000
This command sets the time to 11AM.
settime 15500
The above console command would set the time to 15:30 (3:30 PM). Note that 500 is 30 minutes past because each hour is 1000.
settime 2 9 15
This command would set the time to 9:15AM on the 2nd day.