7 Days to Die Spawnscouts Command

This console command will spawn scouting zombies. To spawn the zombies near you, use the command 'spawnscouts' on its own. To spawn near another player specify their steam ID, entity ID, or name. You can also spawn the zombies at specified X Y Z coordinates.

Spawnscouts Syntax

The syntax for the spawnscouts command is as follows:

spawnscouts [steam id / player name / entity id] [x y z]

This command has the following arguments:

Steam ID / Player Name / Entity IDOptional - the steam ID, entity ID, or name of the player you wish to spawn the scout zombies close to. List entity IDs with the 'listplayerids' command.
X Y ZOptional - the X, Y, and Z coordinates you wish to spawn the scout zombies close to - e.g. 'spawnscouts 300 60 460'.

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Spawnscouts Examples

Find below working examples of the spawnscouts command.


This cheat code would spawn zombie scouts near your character.

spawnscouts 171

This command would spawn zombie scouts near the character with entity ID 171.

spawnscouts 100 60 200

This console comamnd would spawn zombie scouts at the coordinates 100 60 200.