This admin command will add a player to the whitelist, remove a player from the whitelist, or list all players on the whitelist. The whitelist is a list of players who are allowed to connect to the server. The whitelist is disabled if no players are on the whitelist, but if there is at least one player on the whitelist it is enabled - i.e. to enable the whitelist, simply add a player to it; to disable the whitelist, remove all players from it.
The syntax for the whitelist command is as follows:
whitelist ['add' / 'remove' / 'list'] [steam id / player name / entity id]
This command has the following arguments:
'add' / 'remove' / 'list' | Specify 'list' (without quotes) here to list all players on the whitelist. Specify 'add' (without quotes) to add a player to the whitelist. Specify 'remove' (without quotes) to remove a player from the whitelist. |
Steam ID / Player Name / Entity ID | Only required if adding or removing a player from the whitelist. The Steam ID, entity ID, or name of the player you wish to add or remove from the whitelist. List entity IDs with the 'listplayerids' command. |
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Yes PleaseFind below working examples of the whitelist command.
whitelist list
This console command lists everyone who is on the server whitelist (if it is empty, the whitelist is disabled).
whitelist remove 76503193962430302
This command removes the player with Steam ID 76503193962430302 from the whitelist.
whitelist add 171
This command would add the player with entity ID 171 to the whitelist.