Dragon Age: Origins Dbg_setattrib Command

This command gives the selected party member a 180 second specified buff of the specified attribute. If a negative value is used, then the specified attribute will decrease by this amount.

Dbg_setattrib Syntax

The syntax for the dbg_setattrib command is as follows:

runscript dbg_setattrib [1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6] [amount]

This command has the following arguments:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6The attribute you want to give the selected party member:
  • 1 - Strength
  • 2 - Dexterity
  • 3 - Magic
  • 4 - Cunning
  • 5 - Willpower
  • 6 - Constitution
AmountThe amount you want the attribute to be raised or lowered by (enter a negative amount to reduce).

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Dbg_setattrib Examples

Find below working examples of the dbg_setattrib command.

runscript dbg_setattrib 2 10

This command gives a 180 second dexterity buff (raising it to 15) to the selected character.

runscript dbg_setattrib 1 6

This command gives a 180 second strength buff (raising it to 6) to the selected character.