Dragon Age: Origins Levelparty Command

This command raises all party members to the specified level (default being level 2), and your character's level within the specified class (the class must be either warrior, rogue, or wizard). This command however will destroy all currently equipped items (including weapons, armour, accessories etc.).

Levelparty Syntax

The syntax for the levelparty command is as follows:

runscript levelparty [level] [player class]

This command has the following arguments:

LevelThe level which you want party members to be raised to. Enter ? here to reset everything to do with the party (WARNING: destroys equipped items and may replace items that are in inventory).
Player ClassThe class in which you want your character to be levelled up in.

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Levelparty Examples

Find below working examples of the levelparty command.

runscript levelparty

This command raises all party members to level 2.

runscript levelparty 3 warrior

This command raises your character's warrior level to 3.

runscript levelparty ?

This command resets everything to do with your party, adds random items to the inventory and destroys all equipped items.