Dragon Age: Origins Zz_supercrit Command

This command adds 1,000 mana and health, and also 50 strength and dexterity to the specified character. If not character is specified then the points will be added to your character.

Zz_supercrit Syntax

The syntax for the zz_supercrit command is as follows:

runscript zz_supercrit [player / character]

This command has the following arguments:

player / CharacterEnter 'player' (without quotes) here to apply the effects of this command to your own character. For other characters enter "gen00fl_" and (in Awakening) "gxa000fl_" followed by the character's name, e.g. "gxa000fl_alistair" or "gxa000fl_oghren".

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Zz_supercrit Examples

Find below working examples of the zz_supercrit command.

runscript runscript zz_supercrit gxa000fl_oghren

This command gives 1,000 mana and health, and also 50 strength to the "Oghren" character (Awakening only).

runscript runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_alistair

This command gives 1,000 mana and health, and also 50 strength to the "Alistair" character.