This command causes the specified creature to use the specified ability on another specified creature. If another creature is not specified, then the ability will be used towards the currently controlled party member.
The syntax for the zz_use_ability command is as follows:
runscript zz_use_ability [creature id] [ability id] [create id]
This command has the following arguments:
Creature ID | The tag of the creature you want the ability to be used by. |
Ability ID | The ID of the ability you want to be used. |
Create ID | The tag of the creature you want the ability to be used on. |
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Why Not?Find below working examples of the zz_use_ability command.
runscript zz_use_ability lite_mage_adv_mage 90084 urn230cr_hessarian
This command causes the "Adventuring Mage" creature to use the "Scream" ability on the "Archon Hessarian" creature.
runscript zz_use_ability orz230cr_nug 10704
This command causes the "Tame Nug" creature to use the "Mana Drain" ability on the currently selected character.