This command can be used to administrate the ban list: remove bans, add bans, clear all bans and view a list of all bans.
The syntax for the banlist command is as follows:
/banlist [add / remove / get / clear] [player name]
This command has the following arguments:
Add / Remove / Get / Clear | Whether you wish to add a ban, remove a ban, see all bans, or clear all bans. Options:
Player Name | Only required if you are using 'add' or 'remove'. The name of the player you wish to add or remove a ban from. |
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To the CommandsFind below working examples of the banlist command.
/banlist add john23
Executing this command would add the player with username 'john23' to the banlist, banning them from the server.
/banlist remove john23
Executing this command would remove the player with username 'john23' from the banlist. This would unban them from the server.
/banlist get
This command will send you a list of the names of all players who are currently banned.
/banlist clear
Executing this command will reset all bans, meaning all existing players will be unbanned.