NOTE: If the whitelist is empty, the whitelist is disabled - adding someone to the whitelist enables it. This command can be used to add and remove players from the whitelist, clear the whitelist and also see who is currently on the server whitelist. A whitelist is a list of players who can connect to the server, those not on the whitelist cannot connect to the server.
The syntax for the whitelist command is as follows:
/whitelist [add / remove / get / clear] [player name]
This command has the following arguments:
Add / Remove / Get / Clear |
Player Name | Only required if using 'add' or 'remove'. The name of the player you wish to add/remove from the server whitelist. |
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Yes PleaseFind below working examples of the whitelist command.
/whitelist add john23
Executing this command would add the player with username 'john23' to the whitelist.
/whitelist remove mark22
Executing this command would remove the player with username 'mark22' from the server whitelist.
/whitelist get
This command sends you a list of the names of all players currently on the whitelist.
/whitelist clear
This command clears (removes everyone from) the whitelist. This would also disable the whitelist (because it is only enabled when there is at least one person added).