Left 4 Dead 2 Hidehud Command

This command can be used to hide the entire HUD (set to 4), or hide specific parts of the HUD (e.g. set to 256 to hide crosshair). See argument information for all parts of the HUD that you can hide.

Hidehud Syntax

The syntax for the hidehud command is as follows:

hidehud [setting #] sv_cheats Default Value: 0

This command has the following arguments:

Setting #The setting number to set this command to. Options are:
  • 0 - normal (nothing hidden)
  • 1 - weapon
  • 2 - flashlight
  • 4 - hide all HUD
  • 8 - just health
  • 16 - when dead
  • 32 - needssuit
  • 64 - hide miscellaneous HUDs (hides teammates health)
  • 128 - hide chat
  • 256 - hide crosshair
  • 512 - hide crosshair in vehicle
  • 1024 - hide hud when in vehicle

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Hidehud Examples

Find below working examples of the hidehud command.

hidehud 4

This command would hide your entire HUD.

hidehud 256

This command hides your crosshair.

hidehud 64

This command hides your teammates health from your HUD.