Left 4 Dead 2 Host_timescale Command

This command changes the "timescale" of the game - i.e. what speed the game processes/runs at. Setting this command to 2 would make the game run two times as fast (as-if it were in fast forward), whereas setting this command to 0.5 would make the game run in slow motion (half as fast).

Host_timescale Syntax

The syntax for the host_timescale command is as follows:

host_timescale [timescale] sv_cheats Default Value: 1

This command has the following arguments:

TimescaleThe number to multiply game time by. 1 is default (everything runs at normal speed). 3 would be 3x as fast, 0.25 would be 25% as fast (one quarter).

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Host_timescale Examples

Find below working examples of the host_timescale command.

host_timescale 2

This command would make the game run two times as fast (as if it were in fast forward).

host_timescale 0.5

This command would make the game run half as fast (as if it were in slow motion).