Left 4 Dead 2 Sb_takecontrol Command

This command will make you take control of the character under your crosshair (or the closest survivor to your crosshair, if your crosshair is not over a survivor). If you specify the name of a character as an argument, you will take control of the survivor with that name, rather than the closest survivor to your crosshair.

Sb_takecontrol Syntax

The syntax for the sb_takecontrol command is as follows:

sb_takecontrol [character name] Default Value:

This command has the following arguments:

Character NameOptional - the name of the character you wish to take control of. If you do not specify anything here, you will take control of the closest character to your crosshair.

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Sb_takecontrol Examples

Find below working examples of the sb_takecontrol command.


This command would make you start to play as the character that your crosshair is currently over.

sb_takecontrol Nick

This command would make you take control (play as) of the character named Nick.