This command will give you the specified amount of money. You can optionally specify a faction type before the amount to give money to that faction (instead of yourself). To remove money, specify a negative amount.
The syntax for the add_money command is as follows:
add_money [faction name,] [amount]
This command has the following arguments:
Faction Name, | Optional - you don't need to specify anything here if you want to give yourself money. The faction type you wish to add or remove money from. If you do specify a faction type here, you need to add a comma after the name (e.g. "add_money England, 1000", without quotes). Faction names/IDs:
Amount | The amount of money you wish to give yourself, or (if you specified a faction type) the specified faction. Specify a negative amount to remove money: -5 would remove 5 money. |
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GOFind below working examples of the add_money command.
add_money 100
This command would give you 100 money.
add_money -100
The above console command would remove 100 money from your balance.
add_money England, 10
This command would add 10 money to the England faction.