This command gives the character with the specified name the trait with the specified ID. You can optionally specify a level for the trait to be. By default the trait level will be 1.
The syntax for the give_trait command is as follows:
give_trait [character name] [trait id] [level]
This command has the following arguments:
Character Name | The name of the character you wish to give the trait to. Use quotation marks (" at the start and end of the name) if the name has spaces in. |
Trait ID | The ID of the trait you wish to give to the character. |
Level | Optional - if not specified the trait level will be 1. The level of the trait to give to the character. |
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That Sounds Perfect!Find below working examples of the give_trait command.
give_trait Robert GoodCommander
This command would give the character with name Robert the "Good Commander" trait.
give_trait Robert GoodCommander 2
This console command would give the "Good Commander" trait at level 2 to the character with the name Robert.
give_trait Aston Purifier
This command would give the Purifier trait to the character named Aston (in this case, "Aston the Peaceful", a cardinal).