This command removes the ancillary with the specified ID from the character with the specified name. If the name of the character you wish to remove the ancillary from has a space in it, put it in quotation marks (e.g. "name").
The syntax for the remove_ancillary command is as follows:
remove_ancillary [character name] [ancillary id]
This command has the following arguments:
Character Name | The name of the character you wish to remove the specified ancillary from. Put the name in quotes if it has spaces in it - e.g. "Samuel Blacke", not just Samuel Blacke. |
Ancillary ID | Optional - if not specified, all of the character's ancillaries will be removed. The ID of the ancillary you wish to remove from the specified character. |
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I'd Be HonoredFind below working examples of the remove_ancillary command.
remove_ancillary "Samuel Blacke" crooked_judge
This console command would remove the Crooked Judge ancillary from Samuel Blacke.
remove_ancillary Robert
This console command would remove all of Robert's ancillaries, as no ancillary ID was provided.