SCUM Listvehicles Command

This command will list all vehicle IDs (for use with the #SpawnVehicle command). If you specify text after the command, only vehicle IDs with that text in their name will be listed.

Listvehicles Syntax

The syntax for the ListVehicles command is as follows:

#listvehicles [search term] Single Player

This command has the following arguments:

Search TermOptional. If you specify a term here, only IDs containing this text will be listed. (e.g. 'suv' would return a list of assets containing the word suv).

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Listvehicles Examples

Find below working examples of the ListVehicles command.


This command would list vehicle IDs for all vehicles in SCUM.

#ListVehicles SUV

This command would list all vehicle IDs that have the text "SUV" in them.