This command will set the Fame Points of the player with the specified Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character, to the specified value. If you do you specify a player (by their Steam64 ID, Steam name or character name), your own Fame Points will be set to the specified value.
The syntax for the SetFamePoints command is as follows:
#setfamepoints [amount] [player] Single Player
This command has the following arguments:
Amount | The amount to set the Fame Points to. This is is not added to the player's current Fame Points - their Fame Points will be set to this number. |
Player | Optional: if not specified, your own Fame Points will be changed. The Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character name, of the player you wish to change the Fame Points of. |
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Yes PleaseFind below working examples of the SetFamePoints command.
#SetFamePoints 10
The above command would set your own character's Fame Points to 10.
#SetFamePoints SCUMPlayer22 10
This admin command would set the Fame Points of the player with a Steam name, or character name of "SCUMPlayer22" to 10.