SCUM Setfamepoints Command

This command will set the Fame Points of the player with the specified Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character, to the specified value. If you do you specify a player (by their Steam64 ID, Steam name or character name), your own Fame Points will be set to the specified value.

Setfamepoints Syntax

The syntax for the SetFamePoints command is as follows:

#setfamepoints [amount] [player] Single Player

This command has the following arguments:

AmountThe amount to set the Fame Points to. This is is not added to the player's current Fame Points - their Fame Points will be set to this number.
PlayerOptional: if not specified, your own Fame Points will be changed. The Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character name, of the player you wish to change the Fame Points of.

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Setfamepoints Examples

Find below working examples of the SetFamePoints command.

#SetFamePoints 10

The above command would set your own character's Fame Points to 10.

#SetFamePoints SCUMPlayer22 10

This admin command would set the Fame Points of the player with a Steam name, or character name of "SCUMPlayer22" to 10.