SCUM Setfamepointstoallonline Command

This command will set the Fame Points of all players currently connected to the server to the specified amount. Note: this does not add the specified amount to their existing balance (it sets it to that amount).

Setfamepointstoallonline Syntax

The syntax for the SetFamePointsToAllOnline command is as follows:

#setfamepointstoallonline [amount]

This command has the following arguments:

AmountThe amount to set the Fame Points of all online players to.

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Setfamepointstoallonline Examples

Find below working examples of the SetFamePointsToAllOnline command.

#SetFamePointsToAllOnline 10

This command would set the Fame Points of all players currently connected to the server to 10.

#SetFamePointsToAllOnline 1500

This command sets the Fame Points of everyone online the server to 1,500.