SCUM Spawnitem Command

This command will spawn the item with the specified ID (and in the optional amount) in front of your character. If no amount is specified, one of the specified item will be spawned.

Spawnitem Syntax

The syntax for the SpawnItem command is as follows:

#spawnitem [item code] [amount] Single Player

This command has the following arguments:

Item CodeThe item code (also known as an item ID) of the item you wish to spawn in front of your character.
AmountOptional. The amount of the specified item you wish to spawn. If no number is specified, one of the specified item will be spawned.

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Spawnitem Examples

Find below working examples of the SpawnItem command.

#SpawnItem 12_Gauge

The above command would spawn one 12 Gauge Shell in front of your character. 12 Gauge Shells have the item ID "12_Gauge".

#SpawnItem 12_Gauge 10

This example is similar to the first but because an amount (10) has been specified, the above command would spawn 10 12 Gauge Shells (instead of one).

#SpawnItem 1911

The above command would spawn one 1911 Silver gun.