If no coordinates are specified, the player with the specified Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character name, will be teleported to your character's current location. If coordinates (X, Y and Z) are specified, the player with the specified Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character name will be teleported to those coordinates. To teleport your own character, specify your own character's name (or Steam name).
The syntax for the Teleport command is as follows:
#teleport [player] [x] [y] [z] Single Player
This command has the following arguments:
Player | The Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character name, of the player you wish to teleport. |
X | Optional - if you do not specify coordinates, the specified player will be teleported to your own character. The X coordinate of the location you wish to teleport the player to. |
Y | Optional - if you do not specify coordinates, the specified player will be teleported to your own character. The Y coordinate of the location you wish to teleport the player to. |
Z | Optional - if you do not specify coordinates, the specified player will be teleported to your own character. The Z coordinate of the location you wish to teleport the player to. |
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OnwardsFind below working examples of the Teleport command.
#Teleport 76966197389573283
The above command would teleport the player with Steam64 ID 76966197389573283 to you.
#Teleport SCUMPlayer22
The above command would teleport the player with the character name, or Steam name, "SCUMPlayer22" to you.
#Teleport 76966197389573283 20084 -203345 0
The above command would teleport the player with Steam64 ID 76966197389573283 to the coordinates: X 20084, Y -203345 and Z 0.
#Teleport YOUR_NAME 20084 -203345 0
If you were to replace "YOUR_NAME" with your own Steam64 ID, Steam name, or character name, this command would teleport your own character to the coordinates: X 20084, Y -203345 and Z 0.