Spore Levels Command

This cheat can do two different things. Firstly, it can unlock all game stages (levels -unlock), allowing you to start a game from any stage (either cell, creature, tribal, civilization, or space). Secondly, it can unlock all Maxis adventures (levels -unlockAdventures).

Levels Syntax

The syntax for the levels command is as follows:

levels [-unlock / -unlockadventures] Joker Badge

This command has the following arguments:

-unlock / -unlockAdventuresSpecify '-unlock' (without quotes, whilst in the main menu) here to unlock all stages, allowing you to start a game from any stage. Specify '-unlockAdventures' (without quotes) to unlock all Maxis adventures.

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Levels Examples

Find below working examples of the levels command.

levels -unlock

The above command will unlock all game stages - allowing you to select any game stage from the main menu.

levels -unlockadventures

This command will unlock all Maxis adventures.