Spore Movie Command

This command can be used to record your game. Recordings will be saved to the "Movies" folder which can be found in the "My Spore Creations" folder, which is in your Documents (Windows). See command page for detailed help and examples.

Movie Syntax

The syntax for the movie command is as follows:

movie [-record [name]] [-size [width] [height]] [-quality [0-1]] [-noui] [-noaudio] [-nocrop]

This command has the following arguments:

-record [name]The name of your recording - will be saved as name.avi in Documents\My Spore Creations\Movies. Example: 'movie -record example'.
-size [width] [height]Optional. The dimensions of the recorded video. It is recommended you set this as otherwise your video will be low quality. Example: '-size 1920 1080' (added to the movie command).
-quality [0-1]Optional. The quality of the recorded video. A number between 0 and 1, 1 being the highest quality. Example: '-quality 1' (added to the movie command).
-noUIOptional. Specify -noUI in the command to not record the game's UI, just the game itself (the UI is the user interface - i.e. the buttons, console, etc - things that are always on the screen).
-noAudioOptional. Specify -noAudio in the command to not record the game's audio.
-noCropOptional. Specify -noCrop in the command to not crop capture size of the outputted video to the be same aspect ratio as your game.

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Movie Examples

Find below working examples of the movie command.

movie -record movie1

This command would start recording for a movie that would be saved in Documents\My Spore Creations\Movies as "movie1.avi" when you stop recording (type movie into the console again to stop recording). Note that this command would probably record a low quality movie - use the below command to record a better quality movie.

movie -record movie2 -size 1920 1080 -quality 1

This command would start recording a movie that would be saved at Documents\My Spore Creations\Movies\movie2.avi with the dimensions 1920x1080 (1080p, HD) with the highest possible quality (1).

movie -record movie2 -size 1920 1080 -quality 1 -noCrop

This console command would do the same as the second example, but not crop the capture size of the outputted video to your game's aspect ratio.

movie -record movie4 -noUI

This command would record a movie without the UI.