Spore Stylefilter Command

The style filter cheat is similar to the adventureLook cheat - it changes the graphics of your game (e.g. making the game black and white). You can disable a style filter with the command 'styleFilter -none'. See argument information for a list of all style filters you can use with this command.

Stylefilter Syntax

The syntax for the styleFilter command is as follows:

stylefilter [filter name]

This command has the following arguments:

Filter NameThe name of the style filter you wish to apply to the game. Style filters are as follows:
  • -none - disables any style filter applied and returns graphics to normal
  • -oilPaint - applies an oil paint effect to the game
  • -filmNoir - makes the game black and white
  • -microscope - makes the game look as-if you are viewing it from a microscope (in black and white)
  • -norainbows - makes the game darker and increases color contrast
  • -nextgen - gives the game a bright, foggy, futuristic look

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Stylefilter Examples

Find below working examples of the styleFilter command.

styleFilter -none

This command would disable any style filter that you have applied to your game.

styleFilter -filmNoir

This command would make your game black and white (by applying the filmNoir style filter).