The ban command will ban a player specified by any of the following: server username, UUID, IP address or client ID. An optional ban reason and duration can also be specified. Note that temporary bans will expire as soon as the server is restarted.
The syntax for the ban command is as follows:
/ban [username / uuid] [reason] [ip / uuid / both] [time] Admin Only
This command has the following arguments:
Username / UUID | The username or UUID of the player you wish to ban from the server. You can also specify a client ID. |
Reason | Optional. The reason you are banning them from the server, this will be shown to them as a message when they try to reconnect. |
IP / UUID / Both | Optional - default is both. Specifying 'ip' here (without the quotes) would ban the specified user's IP from the server, specifying 'uuid' here would ban the specified user's UUID from the server, specifying 'both' here would ban both the user's IP address and UUID. See command examples for more information. |
Time | Optional - if not specified, the time will be permanent. The time, in seconds, you wish to ban the user for. |
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Alrighty Then!Find below working examples of the ban command.
/ban player44
The above command would permanently ban the player with username 'player44' (server username, not local username).
/ban player44 Swearing ip
This would ban the player with username 'player44' by their IP with the reason "Swearing". This means if they change their IP, they can reconnect with the same account.
/ban player44 Swearing uuid
This would ban the player with username 'player44' by their UUID with the reason "Swearing". This would allow them to reconnect from a different account (even if using the same IP address).
/ban player44 Swearing both
This would ban the player with username 'player44' by their UUID and IP address with the reason "Swearing" - this is the safest way to ban a player, but can also ban family members/friends using the same internet connection.
/ban player44 Silliness both 30
This command would ban the player with username 'player44' for 30 seconds with the reason "Silliness". After 30 seconds, they would be able to reconnect to the server.