Starbound Setgravity Command

This command sets the gravity of your character to the specified level.

Setgravity Syntax

The syntax for the setgravity command is as follows:

/setgravity [level] Debug Mode

This command has the following arguments:

levelThe level you wish to set gravity to.

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Setgravity Examples

Find below working examples of the setgravity command.

/setgravity 80

The above command would set your gravity to 80, which is the default value.

/setgravity 100

The above command would set your gravity to 100, which would make gravity have more of an effect on your character than the default value (80).

/setgravity 50

The above command would set your gravity to 50, which would make gravity have less of an effect on your character than the default value (80).