Starbound Settileprotection Command

This command can be used to set whether or not blocks within a specified dungeon are breakable. Dungeon IDs can be found by entering debug mode (type /debug). When set to true, blocks are not breakable, if set to false, blocks are not protected and can be broken.

Settileprotection Syntax

The syntax for the settileprotection command is as follows:

/settileprotection [dungeon id] [true / false] Admin Only

This command has the following arguments:

Dungeon IDThe ID of the dungeon you wish to set as either protected or unprotected. You can find dungeon IDs by entering debug mode with /debug.
True / FalseSpecified true here to enable protection (making blocks within the specified dungeon unbreakable). Specify false here to disable protection (allowing blocks to be broken within the dungeon).

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Settileprotection Examples

Find below working examples of the settileprotection command.

/settileprotection apexcity true

This command would enable tile protection for Apex City, meaning tiles (blocks) can't be broken within Apex City.

/settileprotection apexcity false

This command would disable tile protection for Apex City, allowing tiles (blocks) to be broken.

/settileprotection humanprison true

The above cheat would enable tile protection within Human Prison.