This command will spawn the item with the specified ID at your mouse cursor. The amount will default to 1 if not specified. See item IDs on our item ID list.
The syntax for the spawnitem command is as follows:
/spawnitem [item id] [amount] [parameters'] Admin Only
This command has the following arguments:
Item ID | The ID of the item you wish to spawn. See all ids on our item code list. |
Amount | Optional. The amount of the item you wish to spawn - e.g. 5. If not specified, this will default to 1. |
Parameters' | Optional. A JSON object for item customization, needs to be surrounded in single quotes ('). See examples for help. |
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Show Me!Find below working examples of the spawnitem command.
/spawnitem 16gbpasty
The above command would spawn 1 rusty pasty.
/spawnitem 16gbpasty 9
As the amount 9 has been specified as an argument, this cheat would spawn 9 rusty pasties.
/spawnitem bruisersword
The above command would spawn 1 of Brusier's Sword at your cursor's current location.
/spawnitem bruisersword 1 '{"level":"2"}'
This command would also spawn 1 of Brusier's Sword, but as we've specified '{"level":"2"}' as a parameter, the sword would be level 2 instead of level 4. Also take note of the fact that we've added an amount - when using JSON parameters you need to specify an amount.