Starbound Spawnmonster Command

This command spawns a monster, specified by its ID. You can optionally specify a level and parameters to customize the spawned monster.

Spawnmonster Syntax

The syntax for the spawnmonster command is as follows:

/spawnmonster [monster id] [level] [parameters'] Admin Only

This command has the following arguments:

Monster IDThe ID of the monster you wish to spawn.
LevelThe level of the monster you wish to spawn. Default is 1 if not specified.
Parameters'Optional. A JSON object for monster customization, needs to be surrounded in single quotes ('). See examples for help.

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Spawnmonster Examples

Find below working examples of the spawnmonster command.

/spawnmonster glitchknight

The above command would spawn a Glitch Knight.

/spawnmonster glitchknight 2

The above command would spawn a level 2 Glitch Knight.

/spawnmonster jellyboss 4

This cheat would spawn a level 4 Jelly Boss.