This command spawns an NPC of the specified type. You can optionally specify the following to further customize the NPC: level, a seed and customization parameters.
The syntax for the spawnnpc command is as follows:
/spawnnpc [species id] [type] [level] [seed] [parameters'] Admin Only
This command has the following arguments:
Species ID | The ID of the species of NPC to spawn. |
Type | The type of NPC to spawn. |
Level | Optional. The level of the NPC to spawn. By default, this is 1. |
Seed | Optional. The seed of the NPC to spawn. A seed is a random number that determines the look/characteristics of an NPC (e.g. 172693656723). |
Parameters' | Optional. A JSON object for NPC customization, needs to be surrounded in single quotes ('). See examples for help. |
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Alrighty Then!Find below working examples of the spawnnpc command.
/spawnnpc desertvillager merchant
The above command would spawn a Desert Villager of the merchant type.
/spawnnpc desertvillager guard
The above command would spawn a Desert Villager of the guard type.
/spawnnpc desertvillager guard 2
This command is similar to the second example, but as we've specified 2 as a third argument, the Desert Villager would be level 2 (instead of the default, which is 1).