This command can be used to override the default maximum size of cities. See argument information for help.
The syntax for the citysize command is as follows:
citysize [on / off] [size] DLC: Hearts of Darkness
This command has the following arguments:
On / Off | Specify 'on' (without quotes) here to override the city size setting, you need to also specify your desired size (up to 100) after. Specify 'off' (without quotes) here to disable this command if you have previously used it. |
Size | This argument is only required if you are turning this command on. A number between 0 and 100 - your desired maximum city size. |
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Yes PleaseFind below working examples of the citysize command.
citysize on 50
The above command would turn the city size setting on and set the maximum city size to 50.
citysize off
The above command would turn off the city size setting, undoing any city size limitations you have previously changed with the command.