Victoria 2 Event Command

This command will initiate the event with the specified ID within a specified province or country.

Event Syntax

The syntax for the event command is as follows:

event [event id] [province id / country tag] DLC:

This command has the following arguments:

Event IDThe ID of the event to start.
Province ID / Country TagTo start the event in a province, enter the province ID of this province here. To start the event in a country, enter the country tag of your desired country here.

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Event Examples

Find below working examples of the event command.

event 17040 549

The event ID of "Suffrage News" is 17040. Berlin has a province ID of 549. This command would start the Suffrage News event in Berlin.

event 17040 GER

The event ID of "Suffrage News" is 17040. Germany's country tag is GER. This command would start the Suffrage News event in Germany.

event 90102 GER

The event ID of "Longing for Public Meetings" is 90102. Germany's country tag is GER. This command would start the Longing for Public Meetings event in Germany.