Victoria 2 Lprestige Command

This command adds the specified amount of prestige to leaders attached to units within the specified province.

Lprestige Syntax

The syntax for the lprestige command is as follows:

lprestige [province id] [amount] DLC: Hearts of Darkness

This command has the following arguments:

Province IDThe ID of the province you wish to add prestige to leaders attached to units within.
AmountThe amount of prestige you wish to add to the leaders. Specify a negative number to remove.

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Lprestige Examples

Find below working examples of the lprestige command.

lprestige 487 2

Madrid has a province ID of 487. The above console command would add 2 prestige to any leaders attached to units within Madrid.

lprestige 300 5

London has a province ID of 300. The above console command would add 5 prestige to any leaders attached to units within Madrid.