This command adds the specified amount of prestige to your nation. If you do not have the Hearts of Darkness DLC installed, this command will add 55 prestige to your nation (regardless of the amount you enter).
The syntax for the prestige command is as follows:
prestige [amount] DLC:
This command has the following arguments:
Amount | The amount of prestige to add to your nation. |
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If you do not have the Hearts of Darkness DLC installed, this command will add 55 prestige to your nation. Otherwise, you will need to specify an amount of prestige to add/remove (examples below).
prestige 40
Provided you have the Hearts of Darkness DLC installed, this command would give your nation 40 prestige.
prestige -10
Provided you have the Hearts of Darkness DLC installed, this command would remove 10 prestige from the nation you are playing as.