This command will change the world's weather to the weather type with the specified ID. Apostrophes might need to be on each side of the weather ID, usually if there are spaces in the name: changeweather('Winter Epilog') is correct, whereas changeweather(Winter Epilog) is not.
The syntax for the changeweather command is as follows:
changeweather('Weather ID')
This command has the following arguments:
'Weather ID' | The weather ID of the weather type you wish to set the weather to. Apostrophes might need to be on each side of the weather ID, usually if there are spaces in the name: changeweather('Winter Epilog') is correct, whereas changeweather(Winter Epilog) is not. |
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This command would set the weather to "Clear", which is, as you might've guessed, clear skies without rain or storm.
This console command would start the blizzard weather type (it'll get snowy!).