XCOM 2 Bondsoldiers Command

This console command bonds (true), or unbonds (false), the two specified soldiers.

Bondsoldiers Syntax

The syntax for the BondSoldiers command is as follows:

bondsoldiers ["soldier name"] ["soldier name"] [true / false] Avenger War of the Chosen

This command has the following arguments:

"Soldier Name"The name of the first soldier you wish to bond, in quotation marks.
"Soldier Name"The name of the second soldier you wish to bind, in quotation marks.
True / FalseSpecify 'true' (without quotes) here, to bond the soldiers. Specify 'false' (without quotes) here to unbond the soldiers.

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Bondsoldiers Examples

Find below working examples of the BondSoldiers command.

BondSoldiers "Caleb Murray" "Adrianna Meer" true

This command would bond the soldiers Caleb Murray and Adrianna Meer together.

BondSoldiers "Caleb Murray" "Adrianna Meer" false

The above console command would unbond the soldiers Caleb Murray and Adrianna Meer.